
August 2022

I’ve been working hard this summer doing a complete photo inventory of my own artwork (over 500 pieces) and collected in a database (with name, size, media, image and physical location, price, and search keywords). The originals are all mounted, shrink-wrapped, and stored in my studio. Before summer’s end, I plan to add my framed artwork to this inventory.

In addition, since September 2020, I have collected 1400+ images of new artwork done by my students in pandemic-inspired Holiday Park Senior Center (HPSC) virtual classes. And now, I have uploaded them for viewing on my Flickr website. The “Student Artwork” button at the top of this page will take you there if you want to see more. Look for the last two years of “HPSC student artwork” albums. Their artwork is really spectacular.

I will be teaching 3 new classes starting in September and encouraging more wonderful artwork.